It’s Not Antisemitic to Not Support Genocide

Propaganda is at the very core of Israel. For centuries they have been fighting for land that isn’t there’s and finding anyway to convince you to be on their side. Their main tactic is of course fear, and what is something many people around the world are terrified of being called? Antisemitic.

The main argument Israelis and people who side with them use, is that you must be antisemitic if you do not agree with what Israel doing. They will tell you that calling this “war” a genocide, is minimizing the holocaust. I can tell you right now that none of that is true.

The holocaust was a genocide. Millions of innocent people were murdered for being Jewish. People were starved and put in camps in promises that they would be safe but were instead killed. The whole goal being to kill all the Jewish people possible, it was a tragedy. That being said, it does not excuse or justify the deliberate killing of another group. You simply can not argue that because the majority of people who occupy Israel are jewish, that not supporting them is antisemitic.

Zionism and Judaism are very different:

Yisroel Dovid Weiss, an American Haredi rabbi, says, "In our religion, killing and stealing are clearly forbidden. (Israel), on the other hand, establishes its state by taking it from the Arabs. That's why we are crying with the Palestinians.” He states that zionism and Judaism contradict each other. Judaism is about loving G*d and all that he creates while zionism is about extreme nationalism. The fact that zionists are committing genocide in the name of Jews has actually caused a huge spike in antisemitism.

Zionists are even going after anti zionist Jews. Many Jewish people all across the globe who are speaking out against Israel are being attacked, called slurs and being told that we must subconsciencly hate our own people.

Judaism is truly about love and loving G*d. If Israel claims to be a Jewish state they would not be actively killing a group of people in hopes to gain more land. Even having a Jewish state is forbidden in the religion, so everything zionists hope to achieve is blatantly going against what they claim to fight for.

"They do not adhere to the Ten Commandments of the Torah and do not observe the Sabbath. On the Sabbath day in Israel, everything continues as usual. Therefore, calling themselves a Jewish state is complete nonsense, deception, a mockery.” “The state is not backed by a religion but an ideology.”

-Yisroel Dovid Weiss